How Teens' Views On Fashion Have Changed Over The Years

Why does the fashion industry change so much from season to season? These days, people’s tastes change all the time and fashion trends come and go almost as quickly as their popularity rises. These days, people’s tastes change all the time and fashion trends come and go almost as quickly as their popularity rises. The latest in clothing, footwear, and accessories keeps changing every season and it seems like it’s impossible to keep up with what’s in right now. But let’s face it – you can never go wrong with fashion choices like a classic plaid shirt or denim jeans.


What Did Kids/Teens Wear In Different Decades?


As technology and style have evolved over time, so has fashion. In fact, it’s interesting to see how clothing styles have changed over time. During each decade since World War II, there have been noticeable changes in teenage fashion trends. For example, during a baby boom period in 1950s and 60s, bell-bottoms were one of the popular clothing styles among teenagers and young adults. In contrast to bell-bottoms were boy shorts or bikinis worn by girls that had small straps at their shoulders and bikini bottoms below them. It was a normal sight to see boys wearing tops with lots of color even though those tops usually reached about mid-abdomen for boys.


What Are Some Examples Of Iconic Trends Over Time?


Mini skirts, overalls, leg warmers (yes they were a thing), flannel shirts, Doc Marten shoes...the list goes on. They're all iconic. And now that you mention it, I kind of want to buy a pair of Doc Martens—but can't afford them. Bad time to find out about these trends? Or good time? While some trends are short-lived and others last decades, almost every trend has its fans and detractors. What is your take on fashion trends as a whole? Do you think there's any truth to fashion is cyclical? Why or why not? As teens we often feel pressure from our peers and our parents to conform. Do you think fashion should be more than just conforming to what other people like or do you think there's value in following trends? How do your views on fashion impact how you dress today? How do your views influence your purchasing decisions? When did your personal views start developing and why did they develop at that particular point in time?


What Kinds Of Social Media Trends Have Emerged?


A study published in 2016 revealed that social media use has been linked to higher rates of anxiety and depression among teens. Though it’s not clear exactly why, researchers said heavy use of social media can lead to exposure to bad influences, as well as triggering negative thoughts when comparing oneself with peers. But remember: just because some research indicates potential risks from a given activity doesn’t mean everyone will experience them, or that any harm is permanent—it takes many studies for us to be able to confirm a trend or phenomenon.


Where Can Teens Get Inspiration From Today's World?


Today's teens can find a lot of inspiration from popular fashion trends seen in magazines and on TV, as well as style icons that appear in music videos and films. Because many pop stars are able to express their creativity through their music, fashion is another outlet for them to express themselves. Some stars have gone so far as to start their own clothing lines or get involved with other designers and business ventures that give them a hand in shaping how we see youth culture today. And because most of us don't get our news from printed newspapers or other physical sources anymore, there are plenty of websites where you can keep up with what's going on in pop culture.
